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Installing webmin on CentOS6.3 using the CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal.iso image

Run the following commands:

# cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo << EOF
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Now run

# rpm --import http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc

Check for updates prior to installing webmin

# yum update

Install webmin

# yum install webmin

Now open port 10000 to access webmin, to open for all IP's for example

# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT

# service iptables save

Be sure to lock down the webmin & port 10000 to spacific IP's for best security and to configure SSL as per comments below you will need to install SSL then enable it from the webmin GUI

# yum install perl-Net-SSLeay

Comments (12) -

  • James

    12/10/2012 11:47:54 AM |

    Thank you

  • Bob

    12/27/2012 6:16:51 PM |

    Dear Shawn,

    Please dont forgot to add the following packages to the list in yum, so people can use the SSL function.

    > perl-Net-SSLeay openssl-devel

    The rest will then be automatically installed as depency

  • Andres

    1/29/2013 8:30:14 AM |

    After reboot the server ....webmin doesn't  start, you know how to fix it ?
    I'm not very good with linux, and in my job  this tool it makes the things be a little more
    Please, any help may be usefull.

  • Shawn Hyde

    1/29/2013 8:55:46 AM |

    are you sure its not running or is it just that you have not verified that you have the correct ports open?

  • dewi80

    2/14/2013 8:24:06 AM |


    maybe you can following this commmand :
    #service webmin start
    #service webmin restart

  • Alex

    2/21/2013 11:50:35 PM |

    This was quite helpful, and got me up and running with webmin on a vanilla 6.3 minimal instance.  But it is only allowing me to connect at http://xxx.xxx:10000, not at https://xxx:10000.  I installed the two yum packages that Bob suggested above, but after installing webmin.  Any tips on how to enable/require https at this point?

  • Alex

    2/22/2013 12:21:31 AM |

    OK - figured it out.  First install those two packages with yum (perl-Net-SSLeay and openssl-devel).  Then just run Webmin, and go to the webmin/webmin configuration settings near the top.  There is an icon for SSL encryption.  Once in there, you can enable SSL.  It may break the connection then, but if you go right to the https://xxx.xxx for your server, it will log you right back in.

    At that point, it would make sense to go into the Linux Firewall section under networking, and add in that rule for TCP port 10000 to be accepted, as the IP Tables command in this tutorial doesn't seem to keep past reboots.  Within webmin, you can save those rule changes and it will survive.

  • jon

    3/6/2013 11:48:37 PM |


    make sure you do :

    # service iptables save

    to make the changes stick past reboot

  • Ari

    3/15/2013 10:18:56 AM |

    Awesome thanks

  • Mark

    4/16/2013 7:25:16 AM |

    @Andres :  chkconfig --2345 webmin on

    Issue that command and webmin will boot on subsequent reboots.

  • Mark

    4/17/2013 2:19:25 AM |

    EDIT : chkconfig --levels 2345 webmin on

  • Chris Miller

    9/26/2013 6:05:38 PM |

    Awesome post. You ended a day of frustration!!!

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