How to add ads to Telligent Community Server 2007, 2008, 2008.5 13 March 2009 Shawn-Hyde Code, Design, How To Guides, Quick Tips (0) add this code to the top of the master page or template you wish to include ads on: <%@ Register TagPrefix="CSUserControl" TagName="AdTop" Src="Ad-Top.ascx" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="CSUserControl" TagName="AdBottom" Src="Ad-Bottom.ascx" %> Now add this code to the area of the page you want your ads to be displayed: <CSControl:AdPart runat = "Server" contentname="StandardTop" ContentCssClass="CommonContentPartBorderOff" ContentHoverCssClass="CommonContentPartBorderOn"> <DefaultContentTemplate> <CSUserControl:AdTop runat="server" /> </DefaultContentTemplate> </CSControl:AdPart>