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Windows Explorer 10 is Slow, unusable, unstable, high CPU, issues

I've run into this issue several times now where windows explorer 10 has some sort of conflict with windows search service. This happens on clean installs and more frequently to those that have upgraded from windows 7 or 8 to windows 10.

Here is the quick fix to resolve this:

Ctrl+Alt+Del > Select "Task Manager"

Once task manager opens select the wind and type "w" until it selects "Windows Explorer", right click and end task. This will cause all of your windows explorer items to be removed from the windows interface and you should notice the pc has returned to normal, no longer slow.

If this is the case continue with the next step,

Choose "file" from "Task Manager" then enter "services.msc" and click "ok", now scroll down to "Windows Search" double click and change the startup type to "Disabled" then "Stop" the service.

(please note, this will disable your windows search function)

To restore windows explorer select "file" from the task manager and "run new task" enter "explorer.exe" and click ok. Everything should now be working properly other than "Windows Search" which is now disabled.

PIWIK, There is no data for this report under Actions

This is caused by a database design issue in PIWIK, you can fix it by opening MySQL workbench or phpmyadmin and editing the database table column as follows.

As you can see we've edited the piwik_log_link_visit_action.idlink_va design "Data Type" from INT(11) to BIGINT(11)

INT is too small to run larger segments, so we need to switch it to BIGINT, the number just specifies the columns "display width" when output.


8 Bytes, -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)


4 Bytes, -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647)

After you've done this apply and rerun your reports from either opening the piwik stats page or by command line, cron job, task manager task if you have one of these setup.

If using windows server, you can setup a batch file to run via task manager every 15 minutes or as needed depending on traffic and number of sites your run stats for. Here is what you update.bat file should looke like

mode con: cols=140 lines=40
php "(Drive):\PathtoPWIKwebsite\console" core:archive
timeout 30

  1. The first line is optional and I included it because it allows me to specify the size of the CMD window it will open on the server, this is nice because you can make it as large or small as you would like.
  2. The second line is your command line to run the actual PIWIK archive, this will update all of the stats under actions and a few other things, This is considered archive for PIWIK.
  3. The third line is optional, I use this to specify a timer so you can see that the script is running correctly. 

Now set windows task manager to run this every x number of minutes.

That's it your done.

http error, PHP 7.x, 5.6 on windows IIS server: 0xc0000135 500 php.cgi.exe

This error can be caused by not installing the related Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio

That is it.

How to quickly export a mailbox from exchange 2013 in .pst format, main or archive mailbox

Quick step by step of how to export a mailbox directly from exchange 2013 ECP/EAC.

  1. Be sure you have a share setup and ready to export to
    • This will require access to the server directly if you have not already done so. So \\SERVERNAME\SHARE for example.
  2. Login to your SERVER via ECP
    • Select Permissions
    • Double click(Edit) "Recipient Management"
      • Select + under "Roles" and choose "Mailbox Import Export"
      • Select + under "Members" and choose the user you want to be able to manage mailbox exports with.
      • Click "Save"
    • Click "Recipents"
      • Chose the mailbox/user you wish to export to .pst 
      • Choose "∙∙∙" then select "Export to PST File"
      • Choose the type of export, main mailbox or archive then choose next
      • Enter the share you wish to export to ie \\SERVERNAME\SHARE\mailbox(archive).pst
      • Choose if you want a notification once its done.
  3. Once its complete the PST file will be in the share.
Thats it your done!