A little something about everything

internet marketing and website development made simple..

Enable / Disable IE ESC Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration and Display Content was blocked Dialog

You can enable or disable IE IEC by using the following steps:

  • Open Server Manager
  • Click Configure IE ESC under the Security Information Section
  • Enable or disable IE IEC


Have IE IEC Enabled and accedently clicked off the "Display enhanced security configuration dialog" check box?

  • Click Start, type in "regedit" and hit enter.
  • Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DontShowMeThisDialogAgain"
  • Edit "DisplayTrustAlertDlg" to be "1"


Huge Hiberfil.sys, Lots of Ram, Missing Space, Full Drive - Disable All Hibernate Functions

Lots of Ram in your system but main HDD is using excessive amount of space, Huge Hiberfil.sys, Full SSD / C: Drive

All of these can be caused by the Windows Hibernate feature, you can easily disable this feature and remove the hiberfil.sys file that windows creates by executing the following command from a command line, be sure to use the "run as administrator" option when opening the command prompt.

Problem solved

How to copy/backup files from your computer to a server on the network using xcopy, task scheduler and a .bat file

Create a backup .bat file and copy the red text below into the file, edit as needed.

@echo off
set SPACER=echo ----------------------------------- (No useful function, This line just sets the spacer in the output, anywhere in the file that you place %SPACER%, it will palce the -----------------------)
echo Do not close, Backing up files (echo tells the batch file to just print out[echo] a line, it has no real action other than to show a line of text to the user)
%SPACER% (--------------------------)
echo Running xcopy, to backup files from c:\Backup\This\Directory to
\\server\share\foldertocopyto with /s for include all subdirectories. (echo again)

xcopy "C:\Backup\This\Directory" "\\server\share\foldertocopyto" /s /y (this is the code and the area you will want to change in order to customize it for each computer. The location in the first set of quotes tells the batch file where to copy from(source) and the second location in the quotes is the destination, the /s means include all subdirectories within the source location and the /y means to accept all prompts, for example overwrite, continue if it can't find a file etc.)

echo Finished Backing up files (echo, no real use... just output in the cmd box)
TIMEOUT /T 1000 (this is a timeout so the user can see what was done and the results, they can click spacebar to close or wait 1000 seconds. You can also edit the time or remove this line if you want it to close immediately)

Now open windows task scheduler, create a new task, set the time/date for running a backup, then set it to run a program, browse to where you saved the backup.bat file and your done.

This guide assumes you have proper network security already setup. 

How to make google only look at lower case url for sites hosted on windows IIS Server, fixes duplicate title tags in Webmaster Tools error

This method can be used to fix duplicate content errors and make it so google only indexes one version of your urls, which will prevent you from getting a negative modifiers.

In order to do this you have two options.

  1. Use the proper canonical tags, for example place the following code at the top of your website:
  2. Use the following script to automate the process and only allow lower case urls to be viewed on your site, create a global.asax file and place it in your site's main directory. 

If you plan to use both methods be sure to use only lower case for your canonical tags or you will end up with problems.