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How to increase the maximum number of pinned items on the taskbar in windows?

You can do this with a registry change, 

Whenever making registry changes be sure to do a full backup first, I am not responsible for your mistakes.

Open your registry editor (regedit)



right click on advanced and add new DWORD value "JumpListItems_Maximum" and assign the desired value in decimal format.

In most cases you do not need to restart anything, if you would like you can restart explorer using the task manager.
open task manager: Ctrl+Alt+DEL select task manager and under the processes tab right click on "Windows Explorer" and choose restart.

That's it, your done.

Data error (cyclic redundancy check) when copying files and how to bypass it

You can quickly bypass this error by using robocopy,

use run as administrator to open a command prompt and do the following:

robocopy /e /is /v /eta [driveletter]:\sourcefolder [driveletter]:\destinationfolder

/e Copies all subdirectories.

/is Includes the same files.

/v Produces verbose output, and shows all skipped files.

/eta Shows the ETA of the copied files.

How to increase number of pinned Remote Desktop items on the task bar on Windows 10?

This is a simple registry edit, 

Method 1: 

  • Open Registry Editor using the search tool on your task bar.
  • Navigate to
  • Edit or create the DWORD "JumpListItems_Maximum" and give it a Decimal value of what ever you want the new max jumplist to be, for example "20". 
  • Now close regedit and restart explorer to enable the change. You can  restart explorer by opening task manager and right clicking on it then click restart.

That's it, your done!


How to run restore Microsoft Edge Classic and/or run Edge Chromium at the same time.

If you're a designer/developer and used the Edge F12 developer tools the new Edge Chromium was a major downgrade in this regard. So you may want to reinstall Edge just for this purpose.

If you have already installed Edge Chromium or it was installed in a recent update you can follow these steps to bring back the classic Edge and/or run both browsers at the same time.


First, download the Edge Chromium installer and Policy Files from here: 


Now extract the Policy files any copy msedge.admx and msedgeupdate.admx from the extracted folder.

copy these to the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder on your computer.

Once you have done that then open group policy editor, 

once open, under Computer Configuration go to Administrative Templates, Microsoft Edge Update, Applications then open "Allow Microsoft Edge Side by Side browser experience" and set to enabled.

now uninstall Edge Chromium.

Once its uninstalled open search and type "Edge" and the old edge icon should show up, pin this to your task bar because you will not be able to after Chromium is reinstalled. 

Now if you want Chromium installed as well, install the .msi package from the step above that you downloaded from Microsoft downloads.

Now you should be able to run both browsers together.


Unable to access UNC server address from remote location | Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

This can be one of the most frustrating errors because your UNC path may work from some computers but not others. If you are receiving this error the following steps should solve the issue.

Go to Control Panel

  • change the view by to small icons
  • select "User Accounts"
  • select "Manage your credentials"
  • select "Windows Credentials"
  • then "Add a Windows Credential"


Now enter your UNC server and share path for example: \\UNCServer\SharedFolder 

Username and password, then click OK.

Now you should be able to access your UNC share from the windows explorer shell.