A little something about everything

internet marketing and website development made simple..

How to boot from Nvme m.2 Windows Raid1 software array on UEFI based system

Install Windows 10 or Server, have both drives installed into the system.

Disable hibernation function

powercfg.exe /h off

Start Windows and open disk management

Note the Disk #, in this case its  Disk 1. You'll need this later.

now right click on your current boot drive and select properties

verify you have an UEFI based system here, it should be GUID/GPT

open cmd.exe as admin,

Type the following: (use correct desk # from step 1 above)

select disk 1
select partition 1
detail partition

Write down the Type ID of the recovery partition and its size

Now convert the disk you would like to mirror to GPT and create a recovery partition. (use the correct disk # and size)

Select disk 2
convert gpt
select partition 1
delete partition override
create partition primary size=300
format fs=ntfs quick label=Recovery
select partition 1
set id={use your drives ID}


 Now assign drive letters to both disks (using your correct disk #'s)

select disk 1
select partition 1
assign letter=x
select disk 2
select partition 1
assign letter=y

Copy the data,

robocopy x:\ y:\ * /e /copyall /dcopy:t /xd "System Volume Information"

Now to mirror system volume,

select disk 1
list part

Write down size of system and reserved partitions from your current boot drive.

now create system and reserved partitions on the drive you would like to be the mirror,

select disk 2
create partition efi size=99
format fs=fat32 quick
assign letter=w
create partition msr size=128

now assign a drive letter on your current boot drive

select disk 1
select part 2
assign letter=z

Almost done now... Don't you wish your system had an nvme m.2 raid controller?

Now copy EFI from boot to the mirror,

robocopy z:\ w:\ * /e /copyall /dcopy:t /xf BCD.* /xd "System Volume Information"

now close cmd and open the disk manager, diskmgmt.msc or from computer management.

right click on your boot disk and choose convert to dynamic disk

the correct disk should already be selected, click OK, Convert, and then finally Yes.

Now do the same with the disk that will be the mirror,

again the correct disk will be selected already, click OK, Convert, then Yes.

At last, we can setup the mirror,

right click on your boot drive partition and choose Add Mirror, select the correct drive and click Add Mirror.

Now open diskpart and remove the extra drive letters,

select disk 1
select part 1
remove letter=x
select part 2
remove letter=z
select disk 2
select part 1
remove letter=y
select part 2
remove letter=w

You're done!

Step by Step install of CentOS 6.9 on Microsoft Hyper-V Server with Linux Integration Services Version 4.2.5

Here are the Steps:

  • Download CentOS 6.9-minimal.iso start VM, Choose Media > DVD Drive and "Insert Disk..." then install and reboot.
  • Download LinuxICv4.2.5.iso, Choose Media > DVD Drive and "Insert Disk..."
mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
umount /mnt/cdrom
  • Now update your network settings via vi
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

use "i" to insert text, (esc) to exit and ":wq" to write your changes.

It should look something like this:

 HWADDR=(MAC ADDRESS, This should match what is configured in Hyper-V)
 UUID={don't change this}

Start the network by using... 

 service network restart

Now you can update using yum:

#yum update
Is this ok [y/N]: y

That's it, your done.


How to Claim or Publish your Yahoo local listing,

You would think this would be a simple 3 step process like bing or google however, following the instructions laid out by Yahoo! will bring you to one of several pages.


Claim Listing:

Following the claim listing instructions lands you on this page:


Which errors out with a partially rendered error page.


Create listing:

Following the create listing instructions lands you on this page:


This page also loads a partially rendered error page in the inner window.



You can simply go to https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/dashboard/mybusinesses to manage your business listings without issues.



Why a large company like yahoo has such poor documentation on something so simple is beyond me. If someone from Yahoo! reads this please update your documentation and make use of some 301 redirects for all of these old non functioning business listing management pages.

How to setup VPN for mac/apple PCs

This is a quick guide on how to get a VPN up and running on a mac PC

  • From the main "Apple" menu choose "System Preferences" then "Network"
  • Now select "+" button, then use the "Interface" drop down to choose "VPN"
  • Use the "VPN Type" drop down to choose "PPTP" or "L2TP", you can also choose a name for this connection if you would like. Then choose "Create".
  • Choose the VPN from the list of option in the network connection window to complete the server address and account name
  • Choose "Authentication settings" to enter your credentials the choose "OK"
  • You can now click the connect button to connect to the VPN, and choose "Show CPN status" if you would like to appear on your menu bar.