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How to create a basic asp.net contact form in vb.net

First thing you will need to do is specify the scripting language, content type and endcoding type in a page element. Language will be visual Basic, content Type will be text/html and ecoding will be UTF-8

Next you will want to specify the doctype, this will tell the browser exactly what type of HTML you are using in the page. We'll be using the following DTD HTML doc type.

Now we need to import the System.Web.Mail asp.net namespace for use with our basic contact form

Now that the page basics are setup we need to write some script that will handle the information browsers will provide when visiting your page. First you need to write the server side script call. Then include a runat="server" verable which will tell the server to run it locally on the server side so the browser cannot view the information. This is done to prevent souce view bots from gaining email address information in your contact form.

Server side code

then you need to end the runat=server code


add standard HTML elements

Now the form, form fields and content



You may want to add some validation to the above code in order to prevent bots from filling out your contact form.

Finally closing of page HTML elements

How to redirect and handle mobile clients with JavaScript using cookies

Create a file called mobile.js and add the following code to it, be sure to replace shawnhyde.com with your own domain name.


You will need to create a link back to your full version site for people with large display smart phones that do not want to use the mobile site. In order to do this you just need to add the following code somewhere on your mobile site.


You can also add a floating link back to your mobile site in case they have problems by adding the following code to your main site.

You will need to add a file named desktop.css with something like the following code.

You will need to add a file named mobile.css with something like the following code.

Also, be sure you update the code to reflect the correct folders for files.  For example, "css" folder, "js" folder. 

Edit / Updated the code to support newer mobile clients.

The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password. To connect using a different user name and password, first disconnect any existing mappings to this network share.

To disconnect from a ghost or rogue network path do the following:

  • (Open cmd.exe)
  • net use /delete \\(computername)\(sharename)

To disconnect from a ghost or rogue network drive do the following:

  • (open cmd.exe)
  • net use (diveletter): /delete