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How to run restore Microsoft Edge Classic and/or run Edge Chromium at the same time.

If you're a designer/developer and used the Edge F12 developer tools the new Edge Chromium was a major downgrade in this regard. So you may want to reinstall Edge just for this purpose.

If you have already installed Edge Chromium or it was installed in a recent update you can follow these steps to bring back the classic Edge and/or run both browsers at the same time.


First, download the Edge Chromium installer and Policy Files from here: 


Now extract the Policy files any copy msedge.admx and msedgeupdate.admx from the extracted folder.

copy these to the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder on your computer.

Once you have done that then open group policy editor, 

once open, under Computer Configuration go to Administrative Templates, Microsoft Edge Update, Applications then open "Allow Microsoft Edge Side by Side browser experience" and set to enabled.

now uninstall Edge Chromium.

Once its uninstalled open search and type "Edge" and the old edge icon should show up, pin this to your task bar because you will not be able to after Chromium is reinstalled. 

Now if you want Chromium installed as well, install the .msi package from the step above that you downloaded from Microsoft downloads.

Now you should be able to run both browsers together.


How to solve the F12 Developer Console Error net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING error.

So you open up F12 and see this obscure error:

What now?

In some cases this is caused by browser updates or perhaps server changes like adding gzip support to IIS.

This error in most cases is to to some code not properly closing before another script is executed thus chunking the response.

You should review the code for the page and look for Response.Close(); method. Something like this:

and replace it with a proper Response.End(); method instead.

Now save and reload your page.

IIS Performance Enahancements, Gzip and net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING oh my.

First if you have not yet done so enabling dynamic compression on IIS improves page load speed by about 300% in most cases. To do so you can follow the following steps.

From Server Manager choose "Add Roles and Features"

Now Next on the before you begin page if you have not already checked the box for "Skip this page by default" option previously.

 Leave the default of "Role-Based or feature-based installation" selected and choose Next.

Now expand "Web Server (IIS)", "Web Server", "Performance" and check the box for "Dynamic Content Compression" then choose Next, Next then Install.

Now you're done.

In some cases some older code can cause you issues after doing this. For example some .net code previously written to use Response.Close(); method will toss a net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING error in Chrome and Edge Chromium browsers.

You can solve this with the following method.

How to solve the net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING error.


List of all known interactive maps for Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Here is a list of all of the live interactive maps for Covid-19(Coronavirus)

World Covid-19 Maps

Unites States & Canada Covid-19 Map

  • https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com This appears to be the most accurate and up to date map. (includes sources). Maintained by "First generation Chinese immigrants in the US. We are software engineers living in San Francisco, Seattle and Las Vegas"

Unites States Covid-19 Maps

South Korea Covid-19 Map

Sweden Covid-19 Map